
Katie McClammer is the founder of Exploring Wellness.

Her wellness path began over 20 years ago with her own health challenges, followed by 15 years as an executive leader with a Fortune 500 company.

In 2021, she shifted careers, launching a health & wellness consulting and coaching practice.

Today, she supports clients & the community with mindfulness circles, holistic coaching & introspective retreats.

As a certified Guide to Living Upward, Katie combines her expertise and passion to help individuals and groups discover well-being through movement, nature & pausing, honoring the beauty and challenges of life.

When she’s not on the trail or leading groups, Katie enjoys life in the Colorado mountains with her family.

Ready to take a step? Katie’s here to walk the path with you.

Checkout this Interview with Katie by Women-Owned Wednesdays

What People Are Saying

  • Danielle

    Hiking then resting on the red rocks with Katie’s guidance helped me feel better and tune into myself.

  • Lauren

    Katie helped me integrate mindfulness practices while battling a health crisis. My life is more beautiful thanks to her support.

  • Emily

    I needed a reset more than I knew. Katie helped me get balanced and reconnect to my ‘big rocks’.

grounded in nature